APC’s recommended response to their[County Commissioners] proposed UDO solar changes.
UPDATE – April 8, 2022
Update on April 8th, 2022 - County Commissioners, Chuck Mellon and Mike McClure, presided over a Special Meeting on Friday, April 8 at 8:30 AM, for the purpose of discussing the APC’s recommended response to their proposed UDO solar changes. Commissioner Chuck Mellon and County Attorney Tankersley refused to allow any public comments prior to voting.
During the Special Meeting, Chuck Mellon read a prepared statement regarding his opinion of commercial solar projects’ potential financial benefit to the County and his desire to minimize any litigation and/or delays for the solar developers.
Despite the APC’s unanimous vote (with 1 abstention) to recommend keeping all commercial solar developments as a Special Exception in the County, Commissioners Mellon and McClure voted to reject the APC’s recommendation on this issue, while accepting others. Commissioner McClure also serves on the APC board and previously voted in favor of keeping the Special Exception. However, during the Commissioners’ Special Meeting, McClure changed his vote on this important issue and voted against the Special Exception.
According to Indiana statute, the proper procedure is for the Commissioners’ amendment to be sent back to the APC for its deliberation. If the Commissioners’ amendment is ultimately approved,
commercial solar developments would be allowed as Permitted Uses in all A1 and A2 ag zoned areas.