“AMBUSH ATTACK” on Pulaski County Farmland
(25,495 acres recorded with solar companies)
GEG approached Pulaski County in 2019
Formerly Global Energy Generation LLC (now Doral Renewables LLC) began to contact individual landowners in Pulaski County offering $1,000 per acre per year to contract their farm ground to be converted to a solar energy power plant consisting of solar panels, inverters and substations. GEG’s contracts also gives them the right to energy storage and battery technology facilities.
GEG gained land control
GEG (now Doral Renewables LLC) gained land control of 4,511 acres through their contracts as of June 25, 2020. GEG has continued to sign land contracts for additional acreage in Pulaski County.
GEG proposed 4,511 acre solar system
GEG’s (now Doral Renewables LLC) proposed 4,511 acre solar panel energy system will be GEG’s first attempt at solar energy AND one of the largest solar energy systems in the United States.
Pulaski County’s BZA approved Special Exception on August 24th, 2020
BZA approved the Special Exception to permit a Solar Energy System in an Agricultural zone across multiple A-1 zoned parcels.
Another 4,692 acres under attack, bringing the total to 9,203 acres.
as of 1/26/2021
Mammoth Solar’s Application for Special Exception Reversed by Judge Hall!
Nine solar companies have recorded signed contracts with Pulaski County landowners involving 24,919 acres.
For a listing by Landowner name*, Click here
For a listing by Solar Company name*, Click here
For a Summary by Solar Companies*, Click here
The foregoing is this author’s summary of public information retrieved using Doxpop. The intent in proving this information is to assist farm operators, residents, and property owners regarding the extent of potential commercial solar development in Pulaski County.
Although great care was taken in creating this summary (of documents generated and recorded by third parties), and the intent is to provide accurate information, it is possible that errors may exist. For example, recorded documents may be incomplete or erroneous. Additional leases may not have been recorded or may not have appeared based upon utilized search parameters. Use of this summary should not be a substitute for the reader’s own research, and the author does not guarantee the accuracy of the summary.
If you have questions, or would like additional information regarding the listings, please call 765-427-6362.
More detailed information is also available at the Pulaski County Recorder’s office.
as of 3/31/2023

Pulaski County Against Solar is committed to protect it’s agricultural ground and to preserve the beautiful rural landscape and quality of life for all residents and landowners of Pulaski County.
Global Energy Generation LLC(GEG) appears to be no longer involved with the Mammoth Solar project, having been replaced by Doral Renewables, LLC, an Israel based developer of renewable energy projects.
Interested in purchasing property in Pulaski County?
There may be solar leases contracted which have not been recorded with Pulaski County Recorder’s Office. Unless provided some other notice, the abstract and title companies will not be able to discover the solar contracts until they are recorded. Realtors may also be unaware and unable to disclose that the property you purchase could be surrounded by solar panels.
Please beware before you invest in Pulaski County!
What’s Wrong with Wind and Solar?
September 14, 2020

Why Industrial Solar is BAD.
Negative Effects of Solar Energy
“Large utility-scale solar panels take up a lot of space, which can result in environmental degradation and habitat loss. Solar farms that cover a large amount of land are likely to have an impact on the local fauna and flora, particularly on birds. Solar farms can also inhibit local vegetation growth and damage agriculture.” - Negative Effects of Solar Energy
“…operators and the industry itself have yet to fully tackle the long-term consequences of how to dispose of these systems, which have their own environmental hazards…” - ”The dark side of ‘green energy’ and its threat to the nation’s environment
Negative impact of property value
“The averages suggest that respondents estimate that greater proximity to utility-scale solar installations is linked to a more negative property value impact, and that those impacts would be larger as the size of the solar installation increases.” - An Exploration of Property-Value Impacts Near Utility-Scale Solar Installations
Large Scale Solar Panel Farm’s Impact on Real Estate Values - Craig Stevenson (Geswein Farm and Land )
Loss of agricultural farmland
Use extreme caution if a solar company contacts you to sign their contracts! The contracts could be for an extremely long duration. GEG’s term is for 30 years(with an additional automatic 30 year renewal), even if GEG files bankruptcy or becomes insolvent! Land is unlikely to ever return to agricultural use.
Solar Leases: Landowners Beware
“Environmental and conservation groups have pushed lawmakers to cut and clean up GenX emissions from chemical plants. Yet materials like GenX are used to increase strength and light transmission in film sheets that coat solar panels, and environmentalists want more solar facilities.” - GenX Concerns
“Solar panels often contain lead, cadmium, and other toxic chemicals that cannot be removed without breaking apart the entire panel” - If Solar Panels Are So Clean, Why Do They Produce So Much Toxic Waste?
(Fire Hazard)
GEG does not have a fire plan in place for the required additional training and fire equipment needed in order to respond to an emergency. -Star City Fire Department Members
“On June 5, 2019 a California Solar Farm that burned 1,127 acres, caught on fire because of a BIRD.” - SOLAR FARM FIRE BURNS 1,127 ACRES
“And the faults in question are no ordinary malfunctions but real, blazing fires, the nightmare of anyone who has solar panels.” -What the Walmart solar panel fires tell us about solar safety... and about Tesla
Environmental Impact
“While it’s far from the only industry struggling to dispose of old devices, there’s an extra challenge with solar panels: recycling isn’t economically viable right now.” -More solar panels mean more waste and there’s no easy solution
“Field crop agriculture is being looked to as one of the solutions to global climate change".” -Corn fields help clean up and protect the environment
Natural devastation in Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Solar Photovoltaic Systems in Hurricanes and Other Severe Weather
Negative Impact on Wildlife
Jasper-Pulaski lies in the heart of the sandhill’s migratory path, and the birds congregate here in the thousands to tens-of-thousand during the fall and spring migration.
Your Tax Dollars Fund Overseas Manufacturing
Solar Energy is not economical without the federal tax credits which are applied to solar panels and associated equipment (currently at 26%) and the assistance of state and local tax abatements. Your tax dollars are being used to remove agricultural farm ground and associated jobs to fund solar panels and equipment manufactured in China and other Asian countries.
Why a Strong Solar Ordinance is so Important.

Northern Indiana is the 11th worst state for solar energy in the U.S.
(Typically Indiana only has 88 days of sunlight per year)
The millions of solar panels that will cover GEG’s contracted 4,511 acres in Pulaski County will become a landfill nightmare at the end of their life.
Solar panels are not economical or practical to recycle. Many solar panels will be improperly disposed in landfills, polluting our air, soil and water with toxic chemicals.
I’m Dr. Calvin Luther Martin, retired Rutgers University professor of history (with, incidentally, graduate training in molecular biology/immunology and B.A. degree in biology). I am part of FARM, a bunch of crusty NYS old-timers who sized up the industrial solar proposition — and decided “no.”